Materials: 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm Articulated Fish-Spine, Dark Gray Micro Fiber, Tungsten Black 8mm.
Hooks: Ahrex TP610 #4/0.
Size Flies: 15 cm.
Bait Weight: 0,6 gr.
23.90 EUR
VAT (included)
Notice for ordering flies:
Any order with flies covering 10 flies or more will be deliver approximately 2-6 weeks from the current order date.
Out of stock but custom fly:
If the item is not in stock or is not available, please send us an e-mail. Flies and accessories will be filled in the shortest possible time.
We ask for orders of flies of your choice and custom:
Please describe the sample in detail with precise information and send it by e-mail or contact us via Instagram or Messenger and we will be able to find out and agree on the order.
Follow the order instructions:
Please check the current delivery time of any order, including flies, at the top of the site (Contact).
MMayFly-Tying Shop (Milan Marjanović) tied all the flies by hand in the order of receipt. If a fly differs in appearance from a published photo, it could be the way I tied the fly, the versions of the natural materials used, or the different series of dyes and synthetics purchased from the manufacturers.
Third-party manufacturers make all clothing and accessories available for sale on this site. Although these products may vary in color and ink from batch to batch, there should be no difference in quality. These products may vary in color and ink from batch to batch, there should be no difference in quality.