MMayFly - Tying Shop
We offer artificial flies for all the different techniques of FlyFishing possible. Made by the highest standard, from both natural or synthetic materials and using well established products from all over the world.
We are the first and only to offer our products, according to your demands.
Order your products where they need to be - anywhere in the world!
Any order with flies covering 10 flies or more will be deliver approximately 2-6 weeks from the current order date.
MMayFly - Tying Shop
MMayFly-Tying is proud to work with ambassador of the company, Ivan Dragojlović, a long-term professional fisherman and instructor of fishing technique (FlyCast) as well as a world ranking leader of fly-fishing.
Besides its high quality production of artificial flies, MMayFly-Tying has decided, with the help of Ivan, to offer a trip to Taimen, Mongolia where fishermen would have a challenging and adventurous experience of catching freshwater fish on the river Shishkid.
Our team and Ivan are proud as it is leading in the number of Taimen fish caught in Europe. Hence our experience allows us to provide our customers with a high quality service impossible to resist.
Besides Mongolia, our offers include winter and summer seasons where we take our fishermen to hunt for the huchen, trout and grayling all on the beautiful Balkan region of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia.
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